Head First Programming - Resources

Learning programming concepts with Head First

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Where's the code, dude?

We really think there's a lot of benefit to be had from actually typing in the code and getting it to run. You want to learn how to program and the way you do that is by working through the book and typing in the code. If you really, really, really don't want to type in the code yourself, check out the book's support page at Head First Labs (where the code can be downloaded on a chapter-by-chapter basis).

The Beans'R'Us website is up-and-running at beans-r-us.appspot.com. This redirects to the site maintained by Paul at beans.itcarlow.ie. The Rough Cuts version of the book used "beans-r-us.com" (which is not available to us). The early printed book and any PDF editions (e-books) use "beans-r-us.biz" (which no longer exists). Please use either of the other two URLs from above.


Simply right-click on these links to save the resource you need to your computer. Don't forget to move it into the directory/folder that contains your code.